ODIN Fleet

We are on a mission to bring the digital revolution to the forefront of service in the automotive industry


How does it all Start?

AAG Mobile was founded in 2013 to enhance mobile ticketing in the automotive industry and other primary sectors. We initiated an eighteen-month process of research and development with an extensive team of developers. By August of 2014, we had a prototype of our mobile ticketing system to demonstrate to potential clients. Within a month, we had our first customer. 


From that time until this day, we have gained vast experience, and we have empowered many companies across the automotive industry with more than 250,000 vehicles connected with our solutions.

What do we do?

We developed an advanced platform and apps for fleet officers and private company fleets of all sizes, vehicle service providers, manufacturers, importers, car rental, and leasing companies to empower how they maintain their fleets and communicate with their drivers, managers, and services providers.


With more than 60 business processes that address vehicle care, incident/accident real-time reporting, in-cab hardware repair requests, an interactive checklist driver/service provider documentation, upload pictures, documents, and more, ODIN will serve any need of your fleet maintenance operations.


Never Stop innovating

In 2019, just before the breakout of Covid-19, we made an important decision, we thought about how we could take all the experience we have in large enterprise companies in the automotive industry (Chevrolet, Cadillac, Isuzu, Jaguar, Land Rover, etc.) and bring an innovative and high-quality solution to every fleet managers in the US.


After an additional period of r&d, we developed the Odin platform. This versatile solution enables us to fulfill many needs that until now were almost impossible to provide. As a result, we constantly receive feature requests and work on the best next thing for our customers. 

What is ODIN?

ODIN is an M-ticketing (service call) platform for automotive industry companies, fleet managers, Service providers that support all maintenance scheduling and documenting, capture all incident recording, enable real-time communication between all parties, and provide complete fleet control in any aspect using a smartphone.

Winning Success

Connected Car & Beyond

AAG Mobile was invited to take part in the Connected Car Conference 2016. Here the focus was on our automotive app for reporting car problems and providing roadside assistance. Of particular interest was our ability to hook into the car’s OBD and entertainment systems. The added value that we provide in the rapidly evolving arena of car technology was praised by many of the industry experts who attended.

Best Practice

With AAG Mobile, all of the information is at our disposal in real time, improving our processes and overall  efficiency. In 2015 Cemex Israel named the AAG Mobile app in our Best Practices review. The app has really improved our employees’ awareness and reporting capabilities, and it is also an excellent communication channel for efficient and friendly internal messaging.